(DC VS Marvel)

-Each side gets 1 week prep
-Location: West City

Who wins this 10 on 10 battle, and why?

5 31



(Marvel & Dragonball VS DC)

-Doom team gets a week of Prep

Who wins, and why?

0 8


(DC VS Marvel)

-Random Encounter
-Location: Central Park NYC

Who wins, and why?

3 17

& 🥋🪐🍱🍝 VS (Pictured Members)

(Dragonball VS DC)

Who wins, and why?

8 36

& 🥋 VS

(Marvel & Dragonball VS DC Comics)

Thanos’s team gets 72 Hrs of Prep Time, can the duo defeat the Justice League?

Who wins, and why?

2 30