My tribute to Congrats on the well-deserved victory!

63 240



16 50

People getting angry with BoRhap / Rami winning

1 4


2 52

Ya podemos ir a dormir tranquilos mejor película drama

217 674

Mike Myers so when will Austin Powers be returning?

1 1

de Alfonso Cuarón, ganadora en la categoría de Mejor Película Extranjera en los 2019.

¡Felicidades  a toda la producción de la película! Nos sentimos muy orgullosos.

6 50

스파이더맨 뉴 유니버스가 골든글로브 애니메이션 부문을 수상했어요!

621 436

Let's play a game, find Lady Gaga in the audience

27 67

Carol Burnett is Comedy and what Comedians should aspire to be.

0 0

Carol Burnett ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Loved her all my life.

0 5

Julia Roberts com a roupa inspirada na Garnet

1 1


2 15

Fingers crossed for tonight at the Globes. Four seasons of bringing your A-game and bringing Claire to life as well as being an amazing inspiration.

0 6

Good luck to at the Golden Globes tonight. Wishing her all the best and got my fingers crossed that she wins! She deserves it.

1 3