« All chastening seemeth for the present to be not joyous, but grievous: yet afterward it yieldeth peaceable fruit unto them that have been exercised thereby, even the fruit of righteousness. »

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Jer. 30:12-13,15,17 — “Your hurt is incurable, and your wound is grievous...[there is] no medicine for your wound, no healing for you...Your pain is incurable.” ///

Full description at https://t.co/jUGHgkiDEJ

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Grievous Lady Tairitsu~ 💕☂️

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i had a GRIEVOUS AND SUDDEN NEED to draw a giant robot girl with MS-09 Dom style hover boots and no drawing this did not sate the need, I NEED TO DRAW MORE

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did a quick 2003 General Grievous doodle for tonight

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What do you MEAN you’ve never wanted to see General Grievous with the Wicked Witch of the West? Day 7, commissioned by

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"Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars: Battle Tales is simply adorable!!! Plus...there's Grievous action!! A fabulous way to end a truly stellar series. Check out my review here: https://t.co/Ka5RpaHAzf

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I'm in a period right now and I wanted to draw my favourite character: before he was a cyborg, when he was still called Qymaen Jai Sheelal.

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I got inspired by with his superior Lego Boba Fett pic, so i made one too, but with the superior General Grievous minifigure

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ive finally started star wars and im here to say obigrievous rights

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Grievous actually captured Younglings in a comic, while Dooku and Palpatine wanted them dead. Grievous and his code of honor forbade it as they were defenseless children.

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In my Neopets hyperfixation, I’ve found two STANDOUT PETPETS!! Baby General Grievous and Baby Ravage.

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Grievous needs his own movie. I need to see him brutally slaughter clones and countless jedi.

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General Grievous, because I think he's a Bada$$ villain and his design is freaking amazing. He's my favourite villain in the Star Wars series and in my opinion a great villain

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Happy 52nd Birthday to , he wrote the episode "Grievous Intrigue" for the 2nd season of Follow him also on Facebook https://t.co/KudyIjKgh7. May he have a good one.

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homebrew beasties. Tigerhounds are large carnivorous marsupials. Mostly solitary but will form packs under a matriarch. Thought to be beloved by the goddess Raksha Shek, it is a grievous crime to kill one.

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SPEAKING of things I drew in high school, I dug up these two Grievous' I drew in 2012. I think 17-year-old me would appreciate how far I've come 🥳 Even if I still have a ways to go

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my roommate is making us watch Clone Wars and I thought the fact that Grievous has a dog was cute

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