commission work. most of the time, the crazier the idea, the more fun it is to draw.

35 323

Ano passado fiquei praticamente só desenhando Pokémon keke, Então o primeiro desenho desse ano vai ser diferente 😅😅

Criei uma OC Transformers, ela é uma raposa Decepticon e se chama Sugardeath 🦊💕💕

10 45

Made the giant robot girl I drew one time more robotic-looking


1 12

Reposting art from last year.

I kinda miss doing this loose sketchy style.

15 88

rkgk 6

Gonna try and do more of these sketches for warmups and breaks

22 130

Nichijou and Robot Girls Z crossover.
Originally posted (1/1/15)

5 15

~Hey do people know I like bunnygirls and robotgirls yet? Well here's a cyborg bunnygirl just to be sure.

9 39

Here's two of my
Both of these were drawn in pencil and digitally colored. However, I'm thinking of going back and making the drawings tighter with digital inks to make them really pop.

0 1