The Digimon Reference Book has been updated with 12 new profiles, which are:

Demon X
Lilithmon X
Lucemon X
Belphemon X
Barbamon X
Leviamon X
Dark Tyranomon X
Impmon X
Ofanimon: Falldown Mode X
Numemon X
Cherubimon Vice X
Dark Knightmon X

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BREAKING NEWS: Local Tiny Devil Digimon finds out that Resident Dickhead Lucemon actually isn't female despite boyfriend's spiteful names
more at 9

sent me a screenshot of shocked Wave and unimpressed Jet and we started making jokes that it fit for our characters lmao

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aprovechando que se desocupo el pc
Keisuke shibi & tentomon story cyber sleuth hackers memory ya me fije que salió DIOmon (lucemonX) me dan unas ganas de dibujarlo pero no se cuanto tiempo me vaya a tardar @~@

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sketchin de Lucemon X!en cuanto salga el art oficial lo voy a tratar de hacer bien xD

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Lucemon want to Destroy everything in both Digital Worlds!!

He's waiting for a chance to go to the New DigiWorld!!

But he is concerned with the Royal Knights!! The Seven Great Demon Lords must manipulate the pieces!!

Looking foward for the next update!!

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I kinda like how in the german dub of Digimon Frontier, they've changed the gender of Cherubimon & Lucemon into female-
Giving us here 2 female villains who were neither sexualized, nor villified for their female attributes; just 2 villains having their own motivations & goals.

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I couldn't resist the temptation of making my own digimon fcs with a friend so here are messy doodle refs of my digidestined Alba and their Lucemon partner whose name is Snowball :'')

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Dean from Iron Giant, Angemon from Digimon, AND DEFINITELY LUCEMON from Digimon
The last two are what got me hooked onto angels

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A lo largo de mi infancia he tenido un montón de amores de series animadas, pero solo uno me llamo la atención a gran escala que hasta el día de hoy adoroooooo!! LUCEMON!!! AHHHH!!!!!❤️❤️💘❤️💖❤️❤️💖💖💕💖

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Commission from for 's birthday of her Piedmon OC from Digimon. I decided to go the extra mile and just make it a fully rendered piece since she's done a wonderful avatar of my Lucemon before.

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Lucemon and Agnimon as they'll appear in the comic I'm working on.

Not totally happy with it but it was just a quick sketch.

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OH YEAH, I forgot to post the finished picture of Lucemon I drew, uh, weeks ago.

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Other Digimon that are Demon Lords.

Bagramon was a Angel Digimon and took part in Lucemon rebellion. Falling from grace he chose to act alone.

BelialVamdemon was believed to be one of the 7 Great, but is weaker than the other members. And was not a Angel Digimon.

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My Lucemon is a big Beastie. I try to portray them as more of a hybrid because I just can't see how a pure humanoid type could've ended the Human/Beast War.

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My with 's / .

There's two moods with these two: 1.) Cuddles and Stories and 2.) "You absolute fucking dit."

Also FUCK both their outfits. Lucemon and all their belts and AGmon with all that armor. This is why I draw Digimon naked.

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My Lucemon OC, Icarus. He is a sweet cinnamon roll without a malicious bone in his body and he has been adopted as Lucien and 's Goldie as their nephew and by 's Treize as his Digimon parter. He loves Treize's other Digimon and is 90% fluff in all forms.

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