Digimon updates!
So on the Digimon x Metalgreymon became BlackWarGreymonx! Let's see if he'll evolve again!

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Black Agumon X digivolved awhile ago into Dark Tyranomon X! Let's see how he fairs!

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Second Digimon update is from the X!

Sadly BarbamonX passed... But he left us a new friend! BlackAgumonX! He's gonna make BarbamonX proud I know it!

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Well the first journey of the Digimon X is done! Okuwamon X has digivolved over to SkullMammon X
A bug has become a skeleton mammoth, so uhhhh, neat!
We'll see how long we can keep him alive till we get a new egg!~

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Happy birthday to Takayama Minami, the voice of the Player in (later named Mameo in DORUmon (+evos) in and Kudou Taiki in


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Yup, another my favorite and ever. This time I did it in the form of the close up digimon have on recent

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Happy birthday to Matsumoto Miwa, the voice of Patamon (+evos) in the original Adventure series, Adventure:, & and other roles such as Makoto in and Tokomon/Tokomon X in

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Happy birthday to Okiayu Ryotaro (), the voice of Lord Knightmon in & Grademon in and Devimon in the PSP game, Digimon Adventure:, &


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Happy birthday to the legendary Nozawa Masako, the voice of Guilmon (+evos) in Dukemon in and as well as narrating Digimon Adventure:, and Takano Asami, who voices Shakomon in


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my favorite

It was kinda hard to do all the details but I think it turned out pretty good. The second pic is a lazy attempt to show how he distorts space lmao

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Happy birthday to Yanada Kiyoyuki, the voice of Andromon in (inc. Guardromon) & Asuramon in and Ancient Volcamon in


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Happy birthday to Takayama Minami, the voice of the Protagonist in (later named Mameo in DORUmon/DORUgamon/DORUguremon/Alphamon in and Kudou Taiki in

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Happy birthday to Matsumoto Miwa, best known for her role as Patamon (and his evolutions) in the series over the past 20 years, and other roles such as Makoto in and Tokomon/Tokomon X in


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Ahaha no había notado que en la mañana me olvide del cacas xd
Ahora si,
Los bebés de 💞

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Los bebés de 💞
No tengo favoritismo por alguno, solo necesitaba extraerles el fondo y me quedó la imagen como residuo.

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Diablomon X es el único Digimon que resulta de cualquier cría en las 3 entregas del Digital Monster X y aparece en ambas versiones de cada una de ellas.

¿Será que se robará el show al final del día?

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The Digimon Reference Book has been updated with 12 new profiles, which are:

Demon X
Lilithmon X
Lucemon X
Belphemon X
Barbamon X
Leviamon X
Dark Tyranomon X
Impmon X
Ofanimon: Falldown Mode X
Numemon X
Cherubimon Vice X
Dark Knightmon X

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