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Here's another little peek at some of the designs sent to @relovedsimion ahead of his 'Ottomini' (mini ottoman/footstool) demonstrations at @GDLive_UK this week! 🌈
🖥️ Find out more on the blog: https://t.co/1MyJoNC7GU
#rachaeltaylorstudio #granddesignslive #upholstery
3 mai 1469 : Naissance du politicien et écrivain italien Nicolas Machiavel
3 mai 1481 : Décès de l'empereur ottoman Mehmet II le Conquérant
3 mai 1803 : Napoléon Bonaparte cède la Louisiane aux États-Unis.
3 mai 2018 : Le tome 4 d'Hatchepsout débarque en librairies.
Mahmut (CV: Furukawa Makoto)
-Ceremonial Miquelet lock decorated with diamond, ruby, and emerald and Mahmut I monogram
-His pockets produce jewels and many other things that he doesn't know of
-Loves beautiful things
-Prays for peace in battle, desires an end to conflicts
Esen (CV: Yamamoto Ikkei)
-Flintlock decorated by gold, silver, sapphire, and pearls
-Only follows orders from those whom he deems strong
-Dislikes bothersome things
-Interested in Napoleon and Ali Pasha
-Speaks with pauses... in between...
-Likes observing others/humans
Ali Pasha (CV: Ono Yuuki)
-Silver inlaid Miquelet lock musket
-Owned by Ottoman emperor Ali Pasha with which he ruled over the Balkan peninsula
-Ore-sama who desires power, authority, and gold instead of peace
-Believes he is the only one who can order himself around
Leopold (CV: Hamada Kenji)
-Wheellock used by Leopold I of the Holy Roman Empire
-Takes care of both Karl and Margarita, has teatime with them
-Nicknamed "Uncle" by Margarita and at times "Leo" by Karl
-Despite being enemies with the Ottomans, is coffee pals with Mahmut
18thC writer & traveller Lady Mary Wortley Montagu is chiefly known for her observations on #OttomanEmpire but did she challenge or encourage Western fantasies about the harem? Find out 1 March #RemarkableWomen #WomensHistoryMonth #QueensHouse @RMGreenwich https://t.co/nWHU7iclQ0
Léon Arthur Tutundjian (Born 1905, Amasya, Ottoman Empire - died Paris, France December, 1968) was an Armenian painter who reached fame in France❤️🌹👁️
Léon Arthur Tutundjian (Born 1905, Amasya, Ottoman Empire - died Paris, France December, 1968) was an Armenian painter who reached fame in France❤️🌹👁️
アブデュルハミト2世期のエルトゥールル近衛騎兵連隊中佐。1890年頃。 Uniform of an Ottoman officer (Lieutenant Colonel) of the Cavalry Regiment of the Imperial Guard “Ertuğrul” in the reign of Abdül Hamid II (1890s)
Currently I'm preparing paper about #Ottoman military history writing. Most of the early mil historians are all forgotten. Ahmed Cevad Pasha wrote a 3-vol Ottoman mil history. Only two vols were published.A complete modern edition is certainly needed.
Late 18th century Ottoman endpapers (from Hammer’s copy of Tarih-i Sami ve Şakir ve Subhi)
Ameen Procession of the New Ottoman Students in the First Day of Their Education of Quran & Ethics, 16-20th (Mektebin İlk Günü, Amin Alayı)
1541 Italian reproduction of a slightly earlier portrait of Cameria, daughter of the Ottoman Emperor, in a dramatic headpiece. #arthistory
@Patrick_Wyman Loving your podcast. Thanks much!
Thought you'd enjoy this...
#Rome #ottoman #caesar