It's been a good week Art-wise in London…
- look at that cravat painted in the 1700s …
Lee Krasner
The Real: Three Propositions

plus Origins

plus Cindy Sherman

great week!

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Lots of new displays to see in , 1st up, ‘Labours of Herakles’ by Marian Maguire, fabulous series of prints melding three cultures, Maori, Ancient Greece & Britain of Captain Cook’s era

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Some of Sarah Sophia Banks' collection was donated by her sister-in-law Dorothea Banks to incl these famous Gillray prints. Dr Arlene Leis discusses these on Thurs

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18thC writer & traveller Lady Mary Wortley Montagu is chiefly known for her observations on but did she challenge or encourage Western fantasies about the harem? Find out 1 March

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Many thanks for the tweet. The painting above by Van de Velde the Younger is not on display in the but this little beauty is!

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Looking forward to tomorrow’s finale at with talking about bros Charles Edward & Henry Benedict & the in exile (portraits from

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FREE GALLERY TALK: continues this Weds 1pm at - Katherine Gazzard, PhD student, discusses family values and naval portraiture

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Here's some more sensitive drawings by artist & VAD nurse Rosemary Rutherford, showing convalescing sailors

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Why does a shipwright set up Britain's 1st children's charity? Oct 30

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Many thanks to Dr Simon Thurley for fantastic talk on Chapels Royal & religion at HenryVII & courts & palaces

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How could Henry VIII, Defender of the Faith, own this anti-papal image? David Starkey tells all, 6 Sept

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