画質 高画質

Hello everyone, I would like to share my discord server where we will talk, there will be corrections of drawings,
all people are allowed.
I speak english, spanish and japanese

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Oiê, faço umas fanartsinhas

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Oi eu sou o Léo e costumo fazer algumas fanarts

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Oi eu sou o Léo e costumo fazer fanarts

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Oiiii :D
Eu sou Tales e eu faço desenhos de OCS, quadrinhos e de vez em quando umas fanarts, estou com comissões Abertas e futuramente planejo postar minha hq <3
Aqui tem umas artezinhas que eu fiz

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Thread com todas as minhas fanarts da série O povo do Ar (da mais antiga p mais recente)

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Parabens pelo 2,3k❤️, krl mt gente ne. Oie meu nome é Renan, sou um artista ainda em desenvolvimento, to fazendo por enquanto uns ocs e fanarts. Comecei a conta no twitter um dia desse, ent se puder dar uma força e me seguir eu ficaria mtmt grato❤️.

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Q: "heyy, do you wanna play with Bobby, son?"
the Bobby in question:

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First of the VTuber fanarts is done~ I'm gona be a bit slow with these sorry and they might not be very exciting >_> I apologise (was stressed when I offered these LOL Yes Jatzu, makes sense to do more when stressed)

Anyway here is (TheBreadKnight) Hope you like it <3 https://t.co/klo1fyCehM

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My first Genshn Fanarts were with ...he and Venti were my first favorite characters, but I drew Venti only 2-3 times, and I don't like those arts.

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Parabéns pelos 2,3k !!!!!!!
Hoiii, me chamo Mars! Faço fanarts e meus ocs🥺💜💜

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すごく寒いです しっかりカバーして部屋は十分暖かい でもまだ寒く感じます 雨も降っていてとても風が強いです こんな日が好きなので 今夜はカバーの下にいます (・ω・) 🐺🖍

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I was thinking on waiting until her birthday but I also wanted to post something without letting too much time pass.

So here she is another member from Shaina's rockband


Hope you like her!

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another art for sixfanart challenge
this time it’s g1 Starscream 💫

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