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Ahí les va más Wally x Frank pq shipear cosas imposibles es mi cosa favorita en el mundo

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Puppets make brain go brrrr ❤️💛💙🦋

Some very simple doodles of Wally and Frank cause I adore them so much 🥹💕

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they are husbands I was there when they got married

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Some goofy art of Frank! Original character belongs to a absolutely fantastic series by
Please go check them out!:3

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thinkn abt a lil what if with the theory of the puppets gainin awareness- only its wally n frank n they gotta act normal till they find some sort of plan

280 2555

Wallie canonically eats with his eyes and i think thats the funniest shit like imagine everyone eating normally and just seeing wallies food evaporating into thin air

152 1330