New comic! “Quakertown Quince”

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It’s AND all at the same time. Bask in all the glory!

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The Palm tree saw its shadow, Six more weeks of Florida!

Happy Groundhogs Day.

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A USA (1) i a Canadà (2) celebren avui el Dia de la marmota. És un mètode folklòric usat pels grangers per predir fi de l'hivern basats en el comportament de l'animal quan surt d'hivernar el 2 de febrer.

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In Amerika wird heute der Murmeltiertag gefeiert. In Europa ist der 02. Februar seit der Antike als Tag des Igels bekannt.

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Today across the world it is

02 02 2020

In fact it’s the first for over 900 years (since 11/11/1111) in every date format.

Its also Groundhog Day and by coincidence it’s also the 33rd day of the year with 333 days left!

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Groundhog Day
groundhog (woodchuck米国産マーモット)が冬眠から目覚め外に出て(晴れで)自分の影を見ると冬は後6週間続く、(曇り・悪天候で)影を見ないと春は近い。

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approaches. Observe the weather forecasting duality of this fateful marmot. Let us hope it chooses the right path.

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Groundhog gets a delivery of candles from the wee folk just in time for on Sunday.

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Here’s one more, then I gotta get back to work. From 2005.

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A little Reindeer fun from over the holidays. Jeez is it already the end of January? *sigh* Brace yourself for Groundhogs day and Valentines.

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is fast approaching — there's still time to get those last minute gifts.

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