Feral is all happy for palindrome day!! I hope that everyone's day was great!!

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Happy 22/2/22 22:22:22 (24h Belgian-Brussels-timezone)
ps: yes this is a planned tweet XD

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Today has a lot going for it!
02/02/2020 Palindrome Day, a word same forward as backward. Hasn't happened with the date in over 900 years since 11/11/1111
Groundhog day!
Suberb Owl Sunday

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Today is a special day. It's The date is the same forwards and backwards wherever you are. It's also the 33rd day of the year with 333 days until the end of the year. Not forgetting it's too! I'm exhausted after all that. Time for a snooze.

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Today across the world it is

02 02 2020

In fact it’s the first for over 900 years (since 11/11/1111) in every date format.

Its also Groundhog Day and by coincidence it’s also the 33rd day of the year with 333 days left!

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