2019 and im doing trollocs and i even did that fucking meme on photoshop its 3 am i deserve no rights

3 3


'you wanted to get close to me, did you not? but you got too close. and now i won’t let you go.'.

189 459

So.... Uhhhhhhh I uh.. Did this to your beautiful girl and I hope you get a good laugh out of it

2 8

Of course there's a cute guy at work... and of course I fall over right infront of him. Why am I so tragic 😭😭

0 9

Nessa Fanart uwuwuwuwu
forgive me for inactivity. Well I think I'm doing this account a more varied art blog to be more active in this shit uwu

4 15

Русских щемят за любой лишний коммент в офф. сервере по AHiT'у. Скоро настанет время МЕСТИ. А пока держите парочку воинственных версий.

11 40

Please forgive me. tydis you're better than this.

0 1

"Дружба серверов"

6 22

i'm slowly dying a brick induced death

1 8

Каким-же будет главное блюдо на сегодня?

8 25

>:^l No me sale la cara
ni el brazo
ni las piernas
aaahhhh kIlLmE 🔫🔫🔫🔫

0 33


Aqui el dibujo que hicimos


2 3

No se hacer fondos, killme¿

Chica en el país de las maravillas¿xd

22 86