mimi for assignment 10. she's too adorable. i also don't want to submit anymore animal related assingments :')

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lily's art class assignment number 9 poki!

0 3

I finished tomorrow's assignment for 's art class! Am I gonna get bonus grade.

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I did today's assignment for 's art class. I'm gonna start working tomorrow's assignment now.

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I finished the second assignment from yesterday's 's art class. it's her persona.

0 4

I made assignment for 's art class too today. I made a toasted, and untoasted.

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I missed all 's art class, so I'm gonna be submitting my assignment one by one. Here's the one for the first class.

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Is it too late to turn in my assignments?

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before and after lily's art class

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Another one, but with no actual line art

0 1

I got lazy with the coloring and cards :v

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