I'm such a nerd when it comes to historical fantasy. You can definitely expect some fantasy romance stories from me in the future.

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What a wonderful week it is. I'm Serena and I am the creator and writer of a Magical Girl Webcomic called "Magical Girl Academe". The main character is actually a lesbian and discovering herself. I'm a Veteran, Buddhist, and a Lesbian. 🏳️‍🌈

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It’s lesbian week !! Which mean I am now visible

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kiwis!! featuring cis/trans lesbian solidarity. they are girlfriends and they are in love.

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I've heard it's so behold me and my lesbian art before I disappear into the shadows again

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I’m dreaming of
being human~

109 415

Wahh it’s !!! Hello I am Luka I’m a butch lesbian and professional llustrator creating lots of wlw content 🥰 I’ve been out for around 8 years now which is kind of wild...it’s been a rough road but I hope my works can someday be a light for others💕🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👭

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Let's go Lesbians!

Hi, I'm Mayticks. I'm a Sapphic artist who is working on some good gay shit. I have a wife who is very clever and likes to study old things, which is good for me because I'm due for an annual day of 'age' in May. Wish me luck

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happy here’s a book I illustrated with two mums in it called Plenty of Hugs 😁 🥰

its published in the US by but I made a list of bookshops in the UK that you can get it from here → https://t.co/bpNa53wk63 ☺️

54 196

🌈 Lez Get Visible! Our May issue is out just in time for the first ever Featuring dreamy artwork by PLUS 😍
Get yours: https://t.co/dB1bxdpRFa | https://t.co/jRuTHSM8Xk

90 227

Good morning & happy 🏳️‍🌈 I’ve been spending lockdown doodling some wonderful proud women ✏️💪🏼 There’s so many I’ve missed but what a line up of legends so far! 🤩

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