I just- his design is so good guys, it's so good! combining his TPS and Jack's casual outfit making his college comfy combo is a good.

here comes the tags

150 533

for today’s issue:

I know a lot of people were all sorts of upset after Batman While I still don’t agree with the marketing around that issue, it was perfect from a story perspective. It also made this week’s finale all the more impactful.

0 2

Mr. Roach himself said we can post spoilers now so here and goodnight because it's very late where i live

275 814


dude ultimate self mc holy heck bless this route

1 4

dammit i thought i was onto something here.....

1 3

ArtSpoilers ™️
Tomorrow’s post almost finished

10 62

The Hollow Knight themself. 🖤🤍🖤 My motivation to keep going, to get to the end, to save you...

1 7

// pesterquest spoilers

This picture really is everything for me rn

1 5

hey so jades route was really fucking good and im having a Time

228 724

dude Aruruu is hot

This should not be fucking allowed to happen I'm trembling

1 12