画質 高画質

-bllk ekspresi wajah isagi yg ini mengingatkanku eren pas di S1...kalo diliat2 ada miripnya jg

64 728

Soft nsfw fem!Eren on pat_on - link in bio

23 362

Sick and tired of the official art mfs giving Eren chicken legs when THIS is the canon material

34 479

Oh nah brother gonna be looking like Eren Yeager 😭 https://t.co/zvssZ9PZlF

340 4119


185 1134

Eren Yeager!!

118 642

cw ocxcanon 博岳
using Fr1eren move
very strong effect

119 751

Merry Xmass!

and Honorary guest-Steve aka Eren’s last year Christmas gift from himself

133 713

Jean is in Christmas mood when Eren is still in his Halloween one.

56 411

Remember Halloween Eren vs Christmas Jean from last year? Well there's part 2


9 137

Eren !!
(+color version)

64 454