画質 高画質

Cheeb girls finished!
❤️Aumestrasza, the red dragon lady,
💜Oudrah, shaldorei mage,
💙and Incantatum, kaldorei druid

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Oh and then between my last two commissions, this fell out of my tablet. ... is there a tag for art of humans in vidya games? they're like the wonderbread of all games so i always figured there wasn't

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Ooooi adorei seus desenhos ❤️ eu sou a Milena, muito prazer :3 atualmente voltando a desenhar e fazendo lives na Twitch 😍

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comecei a assistir kimetsu no yaiba porque adorei o design dos personagens.
tentei treinar luz e sombra nesse desenho, eu nunca coloco sombra o bastante grrr

interaja com a postagem pra continuar vendo minhas postagens da sua tl <3

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Someone requested that I combined two of them and tbh, I'm pretty happy with the result.

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Pô eu adorei a Atualização do Pantheon e tudo mais



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"Quiero conocerte"
Tag: Dorei to no Seikatsu

Gracias a Oscar por el Clean Up.

El primer trabajo de muchos....


Los subo en esta pagina, ya que no conozco otros servidores donde subir. Igual, si desean comoartirlo, no hay problema.

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Colab de anos atrás(exagero) com as lindas e
Adorei o resultado e espero fzr mais colabs com elas
Sigam e deem amor e carinho pra elas 💖💖

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Just a quick 30min doodle to get my daily drawing in, I really love the idea of Belfs getting a Lynx as a Paladin mount so I gave my boy one <3 [Yes he's a void-wanna-be Paladin]

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Black and white sketch portrait commission for of their sin'dorei in World of Warcraft Universe.

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Telstreas Sa'thar (Shal'dorei Astronomer) ✨

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Eu adorei fazer a versão virtual. Mas te digo uma coisa: uma versão impressa até o fim do ano seria lindo demais! Só falta editora!

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Este aqui é o Mc Júnior, meu primo kk e canta super bem, adorei fazer esse desenho❤

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Quel´Dorei Symmetra
Fan Skin for from
I hope you like it! :D

Original Concept Art (c) Arnold Tsang
Overwatch (c) Blizzard Entertainment

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Black and white sketch portrait commission with color twist for a player of their sin'dorei in Argent Dawn EU - World of Warcraft Universe.

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