This just in... Ann decided that the company needed to beef up the team.

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What did the garden Hosta sent from the future say?
Hosta La Vista, Baby

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Erin talked Reggie’s ears off.

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This just in... Sarah was caught brown handed fudging the numbers on the company taxes.

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T.J. Didn't have the bandwidth to work on the proposal this week.

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What do Muggle babies wear in the wizard world?


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When it comes to working on spreadsheets, Bill is a real pro.

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This just in... Photographers are 98% more likely to flash people in public.

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Detroit is so poor that their parade floats sink.

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If and had a baby what would it be?
A Cat Fish

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Hollywood to make You've Got Snapchat, a contempory remake of the 1998 comedy You've Got Mail.

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This just in… Mark jumped his wife’s car battery.

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Never take refuge in a pillow factory during the zombie apocalypses.

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What do you call left over shaved ice?

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What do you call a spider from Iraq?
An Iraqhnid

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What is the only plant you should take advice from?
A sage

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I took a programming class with JSON. He was super strange and always talked in code.

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