Thanks for the commission of these Dota 2 Chen weapon earrings 💙⚕️, and super useful diagram for how you'd like it done!

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Dear lord some maniac figured out how to draw a Venn-5 diagram:

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Behold my favourite character type (apparently)

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Crazy how they're saying this about the she-ra reboot when mfs were making diagrams like this cause they were mad the reboot wasn't sexy enough even tho the characters are teens

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At the end of the month I'll be in the Dealers Den at ! Here's a quick diagram on how to find me there. Since it's a one way system, I thought it would be fun to show my dragon character in their super long noodle mode!

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this is my robbie memory and yima friendship diagram before anything but i think it'd be funny if they're all in the same universe

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venn diagram of rein assassinating sara in endsinger ex

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A diagram of the Farnum ‘Viviscope’, from ‘Living Pictures - Their History, Photo-Production and Practical Working’, Henry Vaux Hopwood, Optician & Photographic Trades Review, London, 1899, fig. 46, on p41.

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yet another cursed venn diagram

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important Adam diagram i made while trying to stylize him
if he hasn't got the stupid eyelashes, janky eyebrows, and scars, it's Not MY Adam Ivan Brown

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Cursed Spirit Jigoku Design + Anatomy Diagram

— • —

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and I just spent the last hour categorizing some of the characters I cosplay/extremely like into a Venn Diagram and honestly this is gospel

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same prompt, ruDALLE, but as a diagram

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Oh, look at the clean aesthetics of "steelo-studies by - I like the bold outlines and the look of very confusing technical diagrams.🤓


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realizing you could put a Venn Diagram between all three of these shows and find a surprising amount of similarities/correlations

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seems like I have an ape to match my moods

Analyzing process workflow diagrams have my eyes feeling like this

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happy birthday to the absolute legend whose solo releases' and my music taste's venn diagram looks like this: ○

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Great to see that the 2nd Edition of Large Rivers has now been published. We produced a fully-updated chapter on the - from headwaters to the Mediterranean - with loads of new diagrams in full colour! Download it here If you can't, drop me an email!

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My Young Pandawan!

Happy Panda way! :-)

Follow the force & find the lightsaber diagrams at Oriland Origami Studio!

*diagrams brought to you by Jedi Order of Oriland :-)

May the folds be with you, always!

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