☆ draw this in your style ☆
halo! celebrating 200 followers, im holding a dtiys! i named her madelaine hehe·ᴗ·
○ dont change her hair and accessories
○ use and tag me!
rts are appreciated! thank you♡

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KAMELOTの2018年9月14日のオランダ公演を収録した『I Am The Empire - Live From The 013』が8月14日リリース。アリッサ・ホワイト=グラズ(ARCH ENEMY)、シャルロット・ヴェッセルズ(DELAIN)、エリーゼ・リード(AMARANTHE)、ローレン・ハート(ONCE HUMAN)参加。

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Here's my tanuki gorl Adelaine who I shove everywhere~

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L'artista roquetenc, Ignasi Blanch, il·lustra per al a totes i tots els que ens cuiden amb el cor.

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Si bé hui és el Dia Internacional de la Infermeria, als EUA i al Canadà esta jornada s’allarga tota una setmana.

En estos dos països s’hi celebra cada any la Setmana Nacional de la Infermeria entre el 9 i el 15 de maig.


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Adelaine, inspired by her sweetheart to try n' color her mouth as well! She kinda likes it..

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In the latest years, Lady Madelaine Giscard rose to the highest roles of the Sabbat.
She's a beautiful woman, but when you look closely at her, something else comes scraping at the surface. Something... alien.

(Guess what? Seven's Sire!)

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マリアンヌ・フェイスフル『Dreamin' My Dreams』(1976)。アイルランドで大ヒット、9年ぶりの復活作で、彼女唯一のカントリー・アルバム。多くの歌手にカヴァーされることになる表題曲、自作の名曲「Lady Madelaine」等、驚異的に深化した歌と、グリース・バンドの滋味溢れる演奏が素晴らしい名品。

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Ls' Post 2/4:
💯 Debbie Lawson
💯 Delaine Le Bas
💯 Sharon Leahy-Clark
💯 Simon Leahy-Clark

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秀麗: Madelaine
劉輝: Fran
楸瑛: Mim
胡蝶: Jill
📸&レタッチ: Kira Rayne

11 41

hello hello! it has been a while since i got to post something new! hello again!🍃
this is Adelaine! i did for the absolutely sweet 💚

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Amazon MusicにあるDelainのApocalypse & Chillを紹介します https://t.co/j5x4gCJEnt

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昨日の戦利品。DELAINの新作CD[Apocalypse & Chill]

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Amazon MusicにあるDelainのApocalypse & Chillを紹介します https://t.co/imgqG4Nd5e

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Presentation of my disfonctionnal traveling pals :
Tarot, big bro fiend monkey
Maupertuit, resourseful fiend mouse
Madelaine, « i didn’t want to come » bat
All to bring Bébé back to their Balisic mom

That’s gonna be fun

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Excuse us while we straighten our crown! 👑✨ In honor of find your inner goddess with a pair of frames designed by all of our Privé queens.

Shop: https://t.co/6ugJ3MCgQD

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