Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse 🤟🤟
Alternative Movie Poster

In collaboration with 34 indonesian artist

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Kate Bishop, the new Hawkeye and fearless leader of the Young Avengers!

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Hailee Steinfeld digital portrait drawing

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Is Spider-Man grounded? 🕷

Can’t wait for Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse to launch June 2nd 2023!

Who is your favorite Spider-Man variant?

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I don't know why when everyone else drawing Moon Knight, I choose to draw Kate Bishop Hawkeye instead 😅, and with fancy scooter

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Next up is I drew inspiration mainly from her look in the series but with the shades ofc.

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Depois de pedidos insistentes da trago finalmente a arte da sua princesa, a Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld).
Como ela ja tava surtando nos stories então eu acho qeu ela ja aprovou HAUHAU
Obrigado <3

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