《DMX2 😈 Blind Run》
Day 5 (Yesterday) : L.Devimon X

Day 6 (This morning) : L.Devimon X -> Ophanimon FMX

...I'm in danger. (/; w ;)/

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Termiando el dibujo de la digiwaifu LadyDevimon bajo la luz de la luna. Ha sido muy divertido dibujarla y vamos, el siguiente será Mastemon jeej. Decidme, cuál de las dos os gusta más?

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PD Cuándo ella me mencionó querer criar a una LadyDevimon, mi mente reimginó una escena muy similar a esta, pero de mi amiga acompañada de una LadyDevimon X siento boosteados y atacando a lo loco xD

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"Hola! Oye te acabo de transferir para que me pidas el es que quiero entrenar una LadyDevimon X..."

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I know there's already rabbit digimon and I already have a few rabbit digifakes but........ i wanted to work on/revamp Dustmon.
baby- Mitemon
in-training- Lintmon
rookie- Dustmon
champ will be Dustermon
ult will be Dustdevimon (dust devil)
mega will be Dustormon (dust storm)

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Day 29 - Demidevimon! The perfect little minion for someone who wants to take over the world!

3 13

_Eᥣ tιᥱmρo vᥙᥱᥣᥲ ᥱᥒ ᥙᥒ ᥲbrιr ყ ᥴᥱrrᥲr dᥱ ojos ᥴᥙᥲᥒdo tᥱ dιvιᥱrtᥱs...~

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Day 2299 - "Spooky" Demidevimon

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Nakano Haito is also responsible for LadyDevimon X, Vamdemon X and Orgemon X!!

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《Lilithmon 1st Run》
Day 7 (Yesterday) : L.Devimon

Day 8 (Today) : Still L.Devimon

Okay, 134 Wins & 100% Win Ratio ! Nicely done.

Just a few more days to Digivolve to Lilithmon...

*Take a deep breath*

Keep calm and Be patient...

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Here's a twofer on request 👀

I'm a little embarrassed to say, (and this is maybe predictable) but I had big crushes on Devimon/LadyDevimon. I was That Kid.

AND... one of my favorite Dad characters... (tough since I named so many LOL)
Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia.

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So im taking care of a 20th ed Digimon vpet and my Augmon turned into Devimon and my Gabumon turned into Kabuterimon


I dont get these evolution lines.

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If Demidevimon had been a reborn Devimon and become the 8th Digimon, I can 100% promise you the ladies would've loved him just like they love Starscream and Loki.

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Two extra digimon doodles from last night's stream that I decided to tossed some colors on.
Impmon and Demidevimon cause both are awesome.

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