In the early 1970’s, created a series of astrological paintings, drawings, and essays. Many have requested that I share the series with you as the zodiac signs change so here is a photo of DeGrazia’s “Sagittarius”, have a great birthday month!

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「con grazia」の主人公である少女ナツが記憶を失いオロオロしていた所に手を差し伸べた半人半魔の女剣士。剣の腕前も高いが炎の魔術も得意とする。明朗快活な性格で、面倒ごとは嫌いと公言する割には世話好き。自分のことを「お姉さん」と呼び、「お姉さんに任せない!」が口癖。

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Upon request here is a photo of DeGrazia's "Wandering Burro”. All of us at the Museum would like to wish Ariel a very happy 11th birthday, hope you have a wonderful day!

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Not a Thursday but here’s a throwback with an old oc of mine, Grazia

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Il cuore le balzava forte,
d’ansia, di timore e di gioia
La notte fragrante
invitava all’amore

(da Cenere )

BG 💋

🎨Giovanni Boldini

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..le donne
che non sapevano leggere
ma consideravano i romanzi
come libri proibiti
tutti si rivoltarono
contro la fanciulla
fu un rogo di malignità
di supposizioni scandalose
di profezie libertine


BP Rosy e tutte🌈☀️🥰

Karl Hubboch🎨

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Graziano is the son of Luca. He becomes the successor of his father's drug operation in Italy.

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“La primavera vagava aldilà dell’orizzonte,giovinetta selvaggia e pura Ella scorrazzava attraverso le tancas coperta d’erba”

Grazie Rosy e dolce buongiorno a tutti

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Noi siamo spagnoli, africani, fenici, cartaginesi,
romani, arabi, pisani, bizantini, piemontesi.

Siamo le ginestre d'oro giallo che spiovono
sui sentieri rocciosi come grandi lampade accese.

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La vita passa e noi la lasciamo passare come l'acqua del fiume,e solo quando manca ci accorgiamo che manca.
Sei sempre magnifica, Grazie di cuore

Van Gogh 🎨

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Congratulations to Jock Pring, you won an individual membership to the along with 2 buddy passes! If you are interested in entering our raffle, drop your business card in the bowl at the gallery for a chance to win one individual membership.

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primarily used watercolors for sketching, illustration, fabric design and studies for oil paintings but for several years he focused on them as a serious art form of their own.

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In a nod to popular culture in the early 1970’s, artist created a series of astrological paintings, drawings, and essays. Here is a photo of DeGrazia's “Scorpio” from his have a great birthday month!

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Artist channels his emotions into the color & action-packed paint strokes to convey speed, movement and energy in several paintings such as the “Hoop Dancer”.

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Chris hemsworth ha pubblicato questo nuovo video ringraziando i fan dell

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Mista and Grazia

lmao 🤣

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