Dumb silly commission - it's the Little League Kissing Bandit
Apologies to Morganna

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Playing around with hypno :3
Ganna go shade and try to figure out how to make the eyes move more smoothly :3

Will be up as a type of commission soon so keep a look out!
(Range most likely 45-55$)

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yo! je suis apprenti dans un shop à Gannat! j’aime le manga et le blackwork, voilà aussi mon insta : suppawigga_ ⚔️
je tatoo depuis peu, j’ai encore beaucoup à faire pour progresser mais voilà quelques uns de mes travaux! 💉

merci à vous pour le soutien! 🙏🏻

30 42

Tam has gotten a new gear?!
Yeah I know she's still ganna use a old one...

I changed a bit gear design and used colorful colors,
original is black and white tho.
I tried to make her kawaii such as doll.

17 145

Un giorno torneremo nello stesso posto dove potremo risentire i sospiri delle nostre anime che ancora si stanno baciando mentre noi nel silenzio,ci ritroveremo ingannati e incantati senza fiato a morderci le labbra.
✍️Adriano Arfini

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Ho appena colto un ramo
così le mie maniche profumano del fiore di susino
ma ecco che,
forse da questa fragranza
canta l'usignolo.

Kokinshū I-32. Susino giapponese (ume)


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When you can't think of what to draw what ya ganna do? Draw someone's oc!! :3

11 205

watercolors?? wack
not ganna stop me from doing tho bc its kinda nice

13 40

The Happy place meme is taking just a little bit too long, i wanna do something a bit shorter, so i am working on this Meme, not ganna say the name right now, but here is my attempt at a front view walking cycle. ❤️😭

2 22

Ognuna delle lettere che compongono il tuo nome,Bellezza,
nel posto d’onore dei supplizi,sposa la distesa semplicità
del sole
e si accompagna all’uomo impegnato a ingannare il destino col suo opposto indomabile:la speranza


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Just ganna post random art

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Ganna print this card to my friends☺️!

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Inganniamo il tempo
ingannando noi stesse.

6 12

Me and had been working on this watercolor collaboration of and it’s a pleasure to work with such a talented person 💛
My last drawing of 2019

Instagram; @ rosemlek - @ _gannatalaat

11 29

Been wanted to do this for a bit so here's my I even remember doing the old one when I was young and still living in AZ it made me cry a little not ganna lie 😭

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not ganna lie,
I thought todomatsu was on a giant hamster wheel for a sec

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My Wanda's hair prediction art that I just used Wanda Vision poster as a reference last month. Not ganna lie. I like their official Wanda's curly short hair.

Full pic link: https://t.co/e1ITfaaQ17

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L’apparenza inganna
solo chi non ha voglia
di approfondire.

Paola Felice______________________💞

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THE HUNTER MIMIC (from THE ELEMENTS), Jagannath Panda, 2016

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i was ganna do that 2009v2019 meme but like....y'all.....

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