Happy Mother's Day to Momma Dawn ☺️💙

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to all my friends and family who have kids, or want them, or just exude that sweet, sweet mama energy. I love you and hope ya'll have a peaceful and happy day 🥰

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I love you Oliver & Benjamin! Thank you for making me the luckiest mommy in the world. 💙💙

To collect the original 7”x9” please visit https://t.co/9llXo40dZs

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Buhay 5.9.21. Mother’s Day Special. A special comic to all the mothers out there!

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Definitivamente cuando se trata de hacer retratos/caricaturas de personas este es el estilo que más me gusta usar y se me hace más cómodo :')

Regalito que le hice a mi mamá uvu
(son ella y mi sobrina (?)) 💙

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💝🌹 ¡Feliz día de las madres! 🌹💝

La historia de la madre de V demostró hasta el final el amor incondicional hacia su pequeño y la fe que tenia en él 💙

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I would like to wish the most amazing person. My mom and every mom in the world
They are so special like they make everything so easy for us
Care for us, put our needs first, make us the hapeiest person everyday, make us learn what's good and bad
Love you MOM

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Happy Mother's Day!
It's my fist as a mom, and the journey my little one has given us has been beyond our expectations.
Wanted this finished before today, but it's been fun playing Snap with you (while you mostly sleep, but I love our time together 😋❤️)

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For this year we have a new card with Freya and her daughter sharing a happy moment in her younger days

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Here's last year's card featuring Freya the only current mom in Constancy Roa

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To the mothers and the mother-figures, sending ❤️ this Mother's Day!

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A gift for my Mom of her Tabaxi Druid, Chases Dreams a.k.a. Dreamy.

We may not be able to see each other in person this year because of lockdown/stay at home restrictions but I am so thankful for D&D together!

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Happy Mother’s Day! 🐻
This quote is from Alex, one of the four women who makes up Sage and Sunlight! Her son Bear is 5 months old

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