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Buhay 2.23.23. Happy Birthday Manang! This is becoming a yearly posting for her birthday, but I’m fond of the story of why I call my sister “Manang”😁 Plus, we’re cute #art #comics #buhay #cncbuhay #filipino #manang #happybirthday #werecute #whatsmyname
Buhay 2.16.23. Targeted Marketing. We hit up Legoland Discovery Center in Milpitas with the nephew. All of sudden, I’ve got a flood of Lego ads…🤷🏽♂️ #art #comics #buhay #cncbuhay #nephewadventures #observations #legoland #targetedmarketing #aggressive #wewontstop
Buhay 2.9.23. Valentine’s Day. My wife & I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s, but I know there are a bunch of people that do. Happy Valentine’s & Happy celebration of love everyday if you can ❤️😁 #art #comics #buhay #cncbuhay #valentines #celebratelove #everyday #justchecking
Buhay 2.2.23. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion training. I’ve worked in a number of places over the years and its fascinating how different their DEI trainings are. 🤷🏽♂️ #art #comics #buhay #cncbuhay #diversity #equity #inclusion #training #workobservations #hmm
Buhay 1.26.23. And the cycle continues… I feel like many of us have already moved on and are preparing for the next mass shooting 😔 it’s frustrating… #art #comics #buhay #cncbuhay #observations #stopgunviolence #frustrated #dosomething #thecyclecontinues
Buhay 12.8.22. Game night and the nephew now talks a little trash. Apparently, he learned this from school to get inside the heads of his friends 🤷🏽♂️ They grow up so fast. #art #comics #buhay #cncbuhay #filipino #nephewadventures #gamenight #connectfour #trashtalk #theygrowupfast
Buhay 4.28.22. Into the unknown… I’ve put in my notice at my day job, and tbh, I’m scared. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I know it’s what I need to do… we’ll see. #art #comics #cartoons #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #workstuff #resignation #intotheunknown #imscared
Buhay 2.3.22. The Impostor Phenomenon aka Impostor Syndrome. I fight the feeling sometimes that I’m not good enough to do this work and that someone will tell me that I should move on. 🤷🏽♂️ #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #impostorphenomenon #impostorsyndrome #inmyhead
Buhay 1.13.22. Yes, a customer wanted to hook me up with his sister. Even after I flashed the ring, he was still trying 🤦🏽♂️ “I’m happily married sir” aww, the things that happen at the day job #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #funny #workadventures #immarried
Buhay 11.11.21. The Creative Process, a collaboration w/ Lolo. My wife got funding to create a film about her Lolo. Fitting this comes on Veteran’s Day. Her Lolo was a WWII Vet. #art #comics #filipino #cncbuhay #buhay #creativeprocess #filipinowwiiveterans #lolo #collaboration
Buhay 10.14.21. Where are you from? Part 1. Many BIPOC folks know this question well, so for Filipino American History month, I decided to make a comic about it. And yes, I’m from Tacoma 😋 #art #comics #filipino #cncbuhay #buhay #fahm #microaggressions #whereareyoufrom #tacoma
Buhay 9.23.21. #SynchronizedFilm, the film that my amazing wife made, was screened at the Oakland International Film Festival. I’m so proud of her. It’s good to celebrate these victories. #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #OIFF #creativeprocess #celebratevictories
Buhay 9.2.21. Feeling stuck. The daily grind of customer interactions laced with micro-transgressions got to me. I just want to create cool art. Anyone out there hiring, or have job leads? 😕 #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #workstruggles #reflections #feelingstuck
Buhay 8.12.21. This was an actual conversation. I do appreciate small talk and meeting new people, but… 🤦🏽♂️ @cococreativity wanted to engage, but foreal, we had to go! #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #actualconversation #smh #ihaveabadfeelingaboutthis #wehadtogo
Buhay 8.12.21 More introvert adventures. I’ve been feeling like this, at times, the past couple weeks. Alone time helps for me, oh and my wife helps too 😁😘 #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #stressed #introvertadventures #alonetime #breathedeep #howdidyouknow #selfcare
Buhay 7.22.21. Our Adventure: Prologue. This kid and his stories 😁 What an imagination! We spent like a day planning this trailer out. And… is that a twist ending? 😂 😜 #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #nephewadventures #imagination #epic #movietrailer #ouradventure