How national outrage by forced the hand of justice on Pastor Ng'ang'a

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Kot o poranku 🌿🐱

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The tree shall be known by its fruits?

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Congratulations! government has just fired 12,000

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State vs Church, who is telling the truth in the tetanus jab row

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The putting to a stop what succesive regimes failed to do

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State takes on , it would help though if they cleaned house first

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Focus more on what has done for than his lack of melanin

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Come results time, a whole nation will break into song and dance celebrating exam cheats

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Shoot to kill order by a simplistic solution to cattle rustling problem

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Kalonzo comes of age and finally demand people must take a STAND

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The jury is still out there if justice was blind or was blinded

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Kenyans warped concept of national heroes

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WHO is will greatly impact on the sentencing, not WHAT he did

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