德国新任国防部长皮斯托里乌斯(Boris Pistorius)的言论以及德国显著加大对乌🇺🇦的军援,代表着德国政府在俄入侵乌克兰问题上的立场发生了重大转变。这位新防长在接受《图片报》记者采访时说:“没有普京的世界会更好。”


4 74

„Russlands Krieg gegen Ukraine:
Bundesregierung prüft „Leopard“-Bestände“

13 61


Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius says “a unanimous opinion on tank transfers has not been reached” at Ramstein.

It isn’t known when there will be more info about what will happen with the Leopard 2 tanks desperately needed by Ukraine.


112 582

„SPD-Chef Klingbeil verteidigt Pistorius-Wahl:
„Parität bleibt wichtig““

2 12

17 of 365: back to flat color and a sketchier style, today's drawing is of Oscar Pistorius, Paralympic runner and owner of super cool 'blade' legs!

0 2

Looks like they make movies about everyone these days ... maybe one day a Zuma movie?

21 20

you did this to yourself, fam.

0 1

The jury is still out there if justice was blind or was blinded

3 0

There is a likely argument that WHO Pistorius is influenced the sentence

0 0

WHO is will greatly impact on the sentencing, not WHAT he did

1 0

The psych observation of continues ... as we imagine it. -- and then Shrien Dewani calls...

8 3

The psych observation of continues ... as we imagine it.

1 0