think this is not a game about making people happy?

11 44

This is going to be a looooong adventure...

11 20

First picture of my game. Stay tuned!

4 4

Should I keep this effect?

5 29

It's time to become a MAGICIAN :O

15 75

Obviously a lot needs done before this actually looks good, but IT GROWS! This idea is ridiculous xP

20 94

His beard doesn't grow yet, but I'm working on it.

10 44

Really busy drawing and giving color to all the backgrounds for this little adventure.

0 1

Alright, im done for the day, I think im going to be able to finish it all in time tomorrow! :)

15 39

Last screenshot for right now :D

6 11

Broken player anims atm (need to finish) but I thought I ought to get /something/ playable going.

10 47

Working on making it all tiley. Streaming at

9 52