(尝试了很多新东西, 包括CSP自带的录屏

30 121

My genesis 1/1 is now on KnownOrigin

Adwin by SBarrell
The Artist.
Digital Oil Painting, Photo/image manipulation,OpenAI assisted 9100x5120


3 5

// Daily Abstracts | ELOQUIUM

》50/50 | 1tz
》Ending Oct 1st

8 28

Been plugging in scene descriptions from my feature BODY SHOP into Dalle OpenAI to see how accurately it can create the images form what I am trying to convey. AI can’t spell for shit, but it’s otherwise been a fun experiment. 🎥🪄

0 3

「 Doing a little abstract art challenge called "Eloquium" on of my creations 」

》1 fresh drop every day
》Ed 50/50 | 1xtz
》Burn date: Oct 1

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