Super fun sketchcard commission of a fab Patreon supporter's OC, Nicholas. 🗡️

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Sketch card of Dana Scully from the X-Files! 👽👽

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描いてから気が付いたんだけど、先日のカードとほぼほぼ同じポーズと構図になってしまってた…😓刀でカード内に入る絵って右利きで想定すると限定されちゃう…のは私の力不足です I didn’t realize I just had a same pose and composition on other card until now😓

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Sketch card of Special Agent Fox Mulder from the X-Files! This show FREAKED ME OUT as a kid 😬 but I loved it all the same!

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Sketch card of Agent J from the Men In Black! Loved the 1st movie as a kid, didn't care much for the 2nd so I never bothered to watch the others.

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For the Brotherhood that is

Some X-men characters from my Marvel Masterpieces 2020 sketch cards for

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Late Night Horror 😱

Horror character sketch Cards I recently contributed to the Back to Retro 2 Horror series on Kickstarter.

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Sketch card I made for the 2020 The Mandalorian Series 1 set.

I have blank artist proof sketch cards from this project available for commissions!

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Sketch card of Xena's sidekick and best friend Gabrielle!

RTs & Likes appreciated, follow for more!

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My last Artist Proof Nosferatu sketch card I made for the 2020 trading card set. $85 with shipping included. Send me a message to claim it!

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Friday the 13th Creature Feature is Man-thing! Marvel Anime sketch card from

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Anyone else remember Iolaus, no? Oh well... A sketch card for Herc's best bud!

RTs & Likes appreciated, follow for more!

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Sketch card of Han Solo from Star Wars!

RTs & Likes appreciated, follow for more!

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