Kodai: What?! Aren't I allowed to have a cheeseburger on It ain't like I'm getting any fatter...

(Exhibt A on the right...)


13 73

Skin & Morph team up book:

I want 12 issue adventure series where they are traveling through the American southern states trying to negotiate providing teenage/young adult mutants a place on Krakoa (like Charles used to do) //

1 4

Again, never gonna happen, but Jindo was a sort of human form for Kodai, why would he have that form and would be the purpose of it?

9 56

Felt like coloring some Chunkrat, even adding some ash to simulate the effect of ash on his upper body! Make of it what you will...

11 42

I like to think that Jindo is one of the few characters in my universe who is actually embarrased to show off his gut publicly and doesn't get over it. In fact, it's a surefire way to get him flustered.

12 66

Some gorgeous chemigrams by Kyran in YR11. Lovely to be able to do some safe creative learning with our students

4 11

"Damn these diets. I've been starving myself for hours, and yet I'm still fat! I can't even fit my favorite sweater anymore!"

How long do y'all thing he's been on this latest diet?

12 38

A gift from of one of my characters! Looks like Professor Makigumo found a suit that fits him. At least for now...

10 50

Before Quarantine / After Quarantine
(Not much changed, Kodai just got heavier...)

2 21

Funny Story: While draw this Jindo pic, I was getting major Chonky!Kodai vibes to the point where I was considering making him a human alias... Of course, that's not happening.

4 20

Kodai: Bucho Mio, I'm getting fat. I swear, I've gotta be over 600 pounds by now. At least it feels like it... Oh well, time for this Fat Boy to go eat. I'm starving!

13 67

Because Jindo looks like your average school bully, he has used this to get bigger lunches during school. That said, he feels like he should cut back on the school meals...

14 53

We all know Ryunosuke hates blowjobs and Futoru likes to sneak a suck when can, but here's the real question: Is Futoru a biter?

10 70

Let's just say that Kodai has had plenty of Chocolate Shakes recently...

9 78

Sometimes I think there are moments where Nexus gets self-conscious about his weight. Even though he's proud of his size, he wonders if it's unbecoming of a hero.

2 14

"It's been almost a year since I've put on all this weight, but I still can't believe I'm so big. So fat. And all this weight is making me hungry..."

Careful, Fat Boy. You'll end up close to 700lbs if you keep those eating habits up.

16 70

Here's something even sillier that will certainly NEVER happen: Chonky!Link meeting Vladimir! How would y'all see this going down?!

4 33