this December! Return of the and



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What If the Fantastic Four had different powers? An old school What If? story. Ben grim got demon wings, Sue Storm elastic powers, Johny steel skin and Reed was a floating brain. So silly.

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John Cena como Al parecer el actor y ex-luchador de la en entrevista para la revista lo ha dejado entrever. Ya quiero ver un hecho por o

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DAMN was this a challenge!
The whole file got corrupted LUCKILY I had saved a jpeg of what I had done so I was able to work off of that but it wasn't easy.

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Diseños de Thor y Storm hechos por Peack Momoko para Demon Days: Rising Storm.

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Let's see if I can be like my Insta and Fbook buddies and keep up with Twitter again... Maybe if I just think about Uatu watching me with disappointment?

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I am apparently obsessed with drawing the

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2- Had a lot of fun drawing The Thing. Trying to find a middle ground between Byrne's pencil neck squint and Kirby's square-jawed smolder for Reed was challenging.

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If you had to choose, which of the four powers would you have, but out of control? Think always flame on, always invisible, always “melted”, always covered in rocks

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The Amazing Spider-Man drops by the Baxter Building in the season one episode, "Job Fair."

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Rough day creatively, while working on client stuff, so I did a new FF character to try and help me work through it. The Mad Thinker and his Awesome Android first appear in the first season episode, "Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Androids..."

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