
Heute: Latschenkiefer und Seidenschwanz

Achtung, Dad-Joke-Allert 😇

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"Let me in..."🧛
Based In the novel by Stephen King: Salem´s Lot.
🎃Highly recommended reading in these days of Halloween🎃
Art by me. Pls follow me for more content :)

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Happy Halloween to Tim Curry, who absolutely terrified me as a young lad.

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The wind trough the keyhole - fast drawing that I did early this year based in the novel by Stephen king

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I didn’t think anyone could follow Tim Curry as Pennywise. Bill Skarsgård proved me wrong.

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"Now there's a new name for terror...."

ICYMI; I had so much fun working on this Cujo piece for 's Halloween issue of

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Jotkut naamat on kivempia piirtää kuin toiset. Tämä ei liity siihen, mitä ko. henkilö edustaa, vaan on ihan puhtaasti kasvojen topografiajuttu. Seppo Kääriäinen on yksi parhaista. Takki auki ja talikko tanaan! Pekka Ervastin sanat ja sävel, SK ja https://t.co/hEae7eMtEt

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Das kleine Sternchenkindengelchen :)

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