"David Simonds on the US president, payments, Stormy Daniels and Rudolph Giuliani." https://t.co/Es76SQKMWK

🔸 'Donald Trump Let's It All Hang Out,' 6 May 2018. David Simons, The Guardian.

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Rudy Giuliani 😒

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Primavera Livin'art ! https://t.co/O4EzVY0ccf Acquistare con Livin'art è facile e sicuro !

con Alessandro Giuliani fotografia, Andrea Mattiello acrilico e collage, Ilaria Perini acquarello, Paola Iacopetti fotografia

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渋谷BAR SUBTERRANEANS https://t.co/s118TwnCHt
bunga bunga、005HARRY、DJ Giuliano、四面楚歌's、COHERENCE


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“Learn to wait; invariably either things will change or your heart will.”
ha la capacità unica di raccontare i sentimenti. Ecco il suo e la sua
E buon giovedì.

5 10

Domani (21 febbraio) Parma ospita Giovanna Giuliano, un vero talento dell'#illustrazione contemporanea. Da non perdere ore 15 all'Informagiovani di via Melloni. https://t.co/uBEungcAAS

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Mercoledì 21 febbraio, dalle 15 alle 17 Baci da Arturo - Laboratorio di disegno con l'illustratrice Giovanna Giuliano => https://t.co/LIGnh7LLxa

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Giuliano Boscaini

6 12

It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened.

G liulian art

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The Tree
art by G Liulian

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The tree
G liulian
concept artist(email:41392152.com)

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First gift art of the year! I'll be doing one a week, if I can keep disciplined and stick to the plan.

For week one, I picked out :icongoldeklovr: 's character IulianaI, a vampiric dikdik raver!

Iuliana ©

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This week's is Chinese concept artist G liulian's gorgeous environment pieces.

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MEIN Mostra fino 31-1-18 Caffè Letterario Le Murate,Firenze Disegni+testi dal libro omonimo. di Contemori,Grassilli,Ingrami,Mangosi,Maramotti,Mora,Passepartout,Giuliano,Vanessi. Testi di Fois,Guglielmino,Masini,Rasori.

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