The Queen meets new PM Truss and promptly passes.
DocumentGate spirals into National Security concerns.
Hannity airs all of trumps crimes.
DeSatan plays political theater with human beings.

0 7

Putin, Lawrow, Putin's puppet Trump, Putin's mouthpieces Hannity, Carlson & others: Always projecting what you do yourself onto others. Projection, projection, and more projection. And inconvenient truths are always "fake news."
The Nazis were already successful with projection.

0 1

hannity looks different from what i remember🤔

1 15

Sean Hannity is NOT a journalist or a reliable source of information in any shape or form. He's a POS brownnosing propagandist gaslighter. Subpoena him.

28 135


Acosta and Hannity
are light years—apart
Hannity’s a corrupt—liar
Acosta is honest with heart

Hannity is a—racist
who spreads lethal-lies
Acosta reveals— truth
that liars—despise

8 14

"Sean" early 2019. Machined image. Reopened this image from the files, which resulted in restoring this approach of the hatch groupings, to the current machining code. More brushlike with profile-driven distancing awareness.

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Here's the results of today's stream. I modeled and textured this 100% accurate representation of Hannity. Thanks to everybody that tuned in for the journey!

2 21

At the end of the brothers were often on different sides simply by geography. believed, that by honoring both sides for their valour would help mend the bad feelings & help the country to heal. So, we have permitted the South that dignity. Until now.

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What's even worse, is that it's monsters like Dr. Oz & Sean Hannity sitting safely in their mansions who are working closely with Trump to direct his pandemic response.

22 116

Trump ignored the because he was more worried about Wall Street than US lives. He and are human excrement.

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