New page at for Thursday! Cute robot friends make everything less scary 💚

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🍩Honestly not a Robot! Updated!🍩

Big thank you all for sticking with me so far! This is the end of this character emotional drama bit. Some much more fun scenes will be coming soon!!! 😭
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👁‍🗨 | I mean... I'm sure that's fine

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Magefront has updated! Everyone look at my favorite character, he's very pretty. And easily startled.

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Creatures Is Just A Matter Of Perspective by - Sino meets a fellow adoptive parent.

One of 19 stories from Threads: Creatures, a brand new Help make it happen: 🕷️🕸️

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✨ New Castoff page! ✨ Good news! But also Bad News!

💫 Read new page:
🌗 Read from beginning:

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Track & Field... but weirder.

Gobo Gazette has been updated! Check it out at

Updates every Friday

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🍩Honestly not a Robot! Updated!🍩

If it's not clear by now, but the tall beanpole man does not seem to know how to relax...
On a lighter note! There are some webcomic cameos 😈
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SpiderForest standalone short story comic anthology CREATURES: THREADS is funding on kickstarter now!

My piece is a prequel to The Wyrm Turns, and has Pphnarg as a toddler, having to deal with his draggony nature in a world of humans!

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Alley Cats by - Teeko gets lost on the mean streets of Aerquist City. 🐈

One of 19 stories from Threads: Creatures, a brand new Help make it happen: 🕷️🕸️

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JACK BELOVED UPDATE: Claws are back but they can't protect you from a meddling aunt

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Magefront has updated! Immeret just doing some cleaning up in the basement is all.

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Yasha Lizard is looking for a better place to live, and a nice mammal family is looking for a tenant... A story by found in Threads: Creatures, a brand new

Help make it happen: 🦎

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🍩Honestly not a Robot! Updated!🍩

A look into a very real fear regarding being an adult in a job... It's not thrilling but it's something I just have to show...
You can also read on Tapas!

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