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7/10(水)発売「戦姫絶唱シンフォギアXV キャラクターソング1」〈立花 響(CV

の2曲とoff vocalを収録!

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Oooh Bikki's CD art is up!
First song is titled "ALL LOVES BLAZING" and second is "Kimi dake ni"

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Here is the keyblade designed by , I was given the honor to create a 3D version of his design! Truly magnificent design, you can almost feel the heat emanating from this blazing phoenix keysword!

Please check out more of his work at https://t.co/vAvcOP062N

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practicing a scribbly shading style out of laziness, it ended up looking kinda dope. feat. Ser and Zero

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lazing on a sunday afternoon!
more fanart bc I guess I'm on a roll.

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Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn and Burton Gilliam on the set of Blazing Saddles.

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さっきまでドルフロじゃなくて「Esto no es a lo que se refieren por comida flameada maldita sea」ことBlazing Foodをやっていたよ

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Zula is Sayid’s lover and his partner in hunting the Red Eclipse while it’s in South America. She is far more levelheaded then Sayid, And takes a cool, calculating approach to the mission, as opposed to Sayid’s guns blazing technique. She pilots an Efreet Nacht.

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当サークル作品『Blazing Soul ―白閃―』が体験版・連作部門で受賞を賜りました!光栄の極み!
よりBlazing Soul本編の制作に身が入りました!本編の受賞も目指して頑張ります!狙え、熱部門🔥

『Blazing Soul ―白閃―』 DLはこちらから↓

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Hector - Fire Emblem Blazing Sword
Reinhardt - Overwatch
Gladiolus - Final Fantasy XV

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Mr thinks should create a emoji to commemorate but they won't do it. The problem might be laziness -- you have to do the work for them sometimes, so here's a 64x64 gif

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マモ、Happy Happy Birthday!!この1年色々盛りだくさんだったけど、音楽活動11周年のこれからの1年もマモにとってBLAZING🔥🔥🔥な1年になりますように!マモの笑顔が大好き!just smile☺️

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BLAZING!~ in Taipei 参戦‼︎

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Short pink hair? Dislikes laziness? Long lost twin. Stepinny.

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