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334 Menschen haben bei mit insg. 8.438 € unterstützt. DANKE! Wir freuen uns über diesen großartigen Crowdfunding-Erfolg - und ihr könnt euch auf die 1. Ausgabe unseres freuen, die wir beim vorstellen werden.
(Bild: Ulf K.)

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Direct correlation twixt tx volume & no. of users & nodes. All MerchantChain users maintain ledger & earn royalties w/ IOT devices & mobile/desktop apps.


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Thanks to for this awesome art for my upcoming film, Cold Comfort! Colored by .

We've begun crowdfunding and you can get cool perks by donating here: https://t.co/r0l6GppOcK

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We're in the final 24 hours of the !
We've got 7 Early Bird+ left, so now's the perfect time to pledge! https://t.co/cph1mdxTHT
Feat. artwork by

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Coming soon! and are getting ready to launch a new crowdfunding campaign for their upcoming artshows in 2018 "Gallimaufric Science" and "All Hallow's Eve" - stay tuned for more info and to contribute!

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Please support my project about brain injury survivors and their here for more:

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Is It Summer Yet? - 65 and 66


Here are the last two pages of chapter 2!, I wanna thank the donations the comic has gotten so far. For those unaware IISY is a crowdfunded TG comic, you can read about it here: https://t.co/FjsrjZ7vYS

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The campaign for is closer to its goal! When this message was typed, we just need 10% in 3 more days, can we reach it and bring this project to life? https://t.co/CtCq2Szlvi

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While our continues to roll on, AIC Comics artist Rithwik G. is hard at work on Agent Sparx Sneak preview coming soon. Meanwhile, check out and pick up the 1st issue on Kickstarter!

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TWENTY-FOUR HOURS TO GO! Just enough time for you to jump onto the trail to CHAPELTOWN and get in on a classic science-fiction action tale with Mercy St. Clair! Stretch Goals! Reward Levels! Check it all out at https://t.co/W0HwsxYK4z!

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MOMENT OF TRUTH, PILGRIM! One day left to support and for the new GN TREKKER: CHAPELTOWN! We're gunning for our great THIRD STRETCH GOAL for added content, on top of a heap of retro scifi adventures at https://t.co/W0HwsxH9d1. Join the trail!

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