oi, meu nome é hem e eu desenho às vezes


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Little Chicory style Hem for my thumbnail. I adore.

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LeMan 90'larda gözünü budaktan sakınmayan gayet ayarsız bir dergiydi. Argoyla karışık kendine has bir dili vardı. Bahadır Baruter ve Fatih Solmaz'ın Lombak köşesi ise hem çizgisi hem de esprileriyle dergideki en ağzı bozuk köşelerden biriydi. Bu karikatürler o yıllardan...

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Finished the first set of commissions I got last month. I’m very happy with hem. I haven’t done comic art in SUCH a long time. Was a great project. Elektra from Marvel and Booster Gold from DC.

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Thank you so much!! I ‘m very happy!‼︎Their costumes are matching hem☺️

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Hola, hem yo aquí tengo una oc que puedes usar

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Autre dessin du jour. C'est un peu ma pause à moi avec un Mash up entre 2 artistes : le DTIYS et une palette de couleurs inspirée du travail de Andrew Hem

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Oh Hem- i’m going to veterinary school just to help you with him. But I know our squad and you have all our prayers! God cannot put another thing on your plate. 🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗❤️

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Dit is een boekje dat ik heb gemaakt in mijn eerste semester over de monsters van angst in je hoofd en ik kwam hem net weer tegen tijdens het opruimen van mijn laptop en ben eigenlijk nog steeds best wel tevreden

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📢 Avui, 28 de juny, és el dia de l'orgull LGTBI, i les transfemenines de Sororitrans lluitem amb veu pròpia! Som un espai no mixt que ens hem organitzat per lluitar contra les nostres opressions i us volem explicar quines raons i objectius tenim per lluitar 🔥

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Ran ve Bau hem çok komik hemde çok tatlılardıı ağağağağağğa okurken altıma işicektim bazı bölümlerde büssürü ss aldım şimdi onlarıda atıcamm umarım flop kalmazz beğeninn onlarıdaa
[♡]Gorani Jeon

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Why is he so cute and why I want hem as pet? 🥺😭💖💗💖

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My dearest Hem, I'm so grateful you allowed us to be part of your time of grieving. Your faith in love&life is profound. I'm so thankful some of what I shared with was helpful. The pain of such a loss can feel utterly unbearable at times. You Truly Amaze me my beautiful soul♡sis

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I saved this poem of yours dearest Hem as I know it's a poem expressing your beloved& True Love you both shared so profoundly. Your poetry is mind blowing beautiful dearest Hem. I hope you publish one day. Your heart Essence is palpable in your poems&has powerful impact. LoveU🌺

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Happy birthday Thatcher! 🎉

Gelukkig verbannen jullie hem niet van zijn eigen verjaardag. Toch? 😨

🖌 door

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I'm not a delicate and little bunny !!! Oh.. hem ..
maybe ..

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Everyone's been drawing Link from the new Botw trailer

Meanwhile on my side... hem... looks like I'm a bit out of map

Ps : there's still Urbosa missing but her design will come soon

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