When you're making a new pokésona and... suddenly remember Maned Wolves are Brazilian werewolves and you also remember Lycanrocs are kinda Werewolves * wiggle wiggle *

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designed me a super cute Pokésona ;___; and I accidentally made a shiny form for them... My sweet child... im love them...

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Outstanding pride picture done by the wonderful of my kid 's PokéSona!
Please go check out the amazing stuff they do! ♡

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Mine and Pokésonas enjoying some jelly filled donuts :3c 🧡

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Caved in & drew a Pokésona of 😅 (warm up sketch)

Her name is Flora 🌸 (loves reading books, esp romance) shy lil thing, love star candy.

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Hey look! It's a pokésona. A Furfrou-sona. A scruffrou-sona.

Now, pay attention:
•Lots of bed hair
•Has that constant just-woke-up smell
•Knows Surf

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Cubario (Not Lubone)-
Cubone x Lucario Pokésona, male.

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Okay, there's way too much good Wooloo art to retweet it all, but I'm definitely going to change my sheep Béa to a Wooloo Pokésona. Just going to keep my horns and freckles!
(Sketch by myself and art from @/PartyPrat)

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This is my Pokésona - the Pokémon version of my main Fursona - Max the Blue Pancham!

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I have gone far too long without drawin a whole bunch of my Pokésona with his dick out, so I drew some for my Patreon earlier this week!

Featuring his Smeargle boyfriend, Spec :3

(Rider is an adult, he just hasn't evolved)

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ivysaur is the best my pokésona is one

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Honestly my Pokésona is probably the most accurate representation of myself lol...

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Jewel the Amphy, my pokésona :>

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I think The Ringmaster's pokésona turned out quite nicely,, and honestly I'm pretty pleased with this new set of pokémon versions I've doodled lately!


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I assumed I should draw a Pokésona for me, so have Mightyena me
And Peeks :3

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Je tiens juste a vous montrer le pokésona de Bab (parce que brbr il est chou)

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Bonus ♥♥ OLD ART
(yes the couple is me and Kim as trainers haha so they ar emore pokésonas but Alea is "no one")

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