Saving a Friend
Ragna: ruby.... R-Run! GGGGAAAAAAAAAAH!
Ruby: I am not Leaving you Ragna! we will save you!
Ragna: hey Thanks for Saving me kid.
Ruby: No Problem Ragna, now can I see your Weapon.
Ragna: for the Last time no...

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Day 22 of & its the legend himself

shares the wisdom, stories, insight & skills that life has taught him in his remarkable career

Revealing letter: E
Reserve a copy:

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Sneak peeks-

Patrons can see the entire drawing at
Support my work for more cartoons, gifs and behind the scenes videos.

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Damn, isn't he cute or what? Now I want to draw chibi Jin too :3

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Here's the artwork I was originally going to have James Marsters sign tomorrow, before he had to cancel. It turned out to be a good study nonetheless, so my time wasn't wasted 💙

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Miniposter artwork for the Stud and the Bloodblade kickstarter.
I'm still working away at the comic- done with issue 3, and the series should be out in Summer 2020.

Thanks again everyone!

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As much fun as I had doing Inktober, it's so nice to draw Johanna and her adventures again!

She recently made a new friend named Dyzek! Two monks of very different worlds quickly because Quite the combo!

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👋 dark fantasy writer here, editing this bad boy after 4 years writing it 🙄 if you like pirates, sirens, bloodthirsty soldiers, kick arse women and hard questions then let's chat! My novels theme is can murder ever be justified? 🤔

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I doodled a couple of my favorite Dimension20 / Escape from the Bloodkeep characters earlier!
Sokhbarr, The Bog Lord, and J'er'em'ih, the Goodest Boy :3

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What could be newer than a comic that's still in production? Be a part of the magic at the (which ends tomorrow night, FYI!) Come to:

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Find out what the hell this is by backing the at the "Previous Works" tier. (Hint: it's a Frontiersmen foe!) The Stud campaign ends tomorrow night!

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We are less than $500 from our first stretch goal! Be like Dillo's tongue and stretch for success! Come to the ENDING-SOON (from me and )! at

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