Unikitty: Aww, look at the two cuties playing together!

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Unikitty: *humming Gotta Go Fast*

Sonic: *arrives in a blue blur* Unikitty! Long time, no see!

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Unikitty: *giggle* I win the bet Mom!

Twilight: How does she do it??

Rainbow Dash: So, I heard you’re a fan of mine, is that right?

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Twilight: You wanna tell her the joke, don’t you?

Unikitty: teeheehee, yes!

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Unikitty: Wellllllll... I was just wondering....... *jumps on her like a puppy* OH PLEASE BE MY BIG SISTER, PLEASE BE MY BIG SISTER!! *knocks Raven to the floor*

Raven: *intense look*

Cyborg: Uh-oh! I know that look, Unikitty! RUN!!

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Unikitty: WOW! That’s amazing!

Lachlan: I bet Rarity must be excited!

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Unikitty: “Whoa, you have so many haters!”

Robin: “I know Unikitty, but I won’t let them get to you!”

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Unikitty: It’s Lachlan! He’s gone to fight evil Queen Chrysalis by himself!

Rainbow Dash: WHAT?!

Unikitty: I tried to stop him! I told him it was too dangerous, but he was determined to prove himself to you!

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Unikitty: Somepony had a baby?!

Lachlan: Yeah! C’mon, follow me!

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Unikitty: What?! We can’t let Princess Celestia find out her son is getting violent, she’ll lose her mind!

Lachlan: *calm and cool* You underestimate my mom sometimes, Unikitty.

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Unikitty: Yay!! Thank you, mommy!

Winona: I didn’t know you were Twilight’s daughter!

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Unikitty: But if we lose, we’ll never see Rainbow Dash again! And I wanna see her again!

Applejack: Don’tcha worry, hon, we’ll get Rainbow Dash back safe ‘n’ sound! *to the other 4 ponies* C’mon y’all, we got a T-Rex to catch!

*the four chase after the T-Rex*

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T-Rex: “Then you’ll have to catch me before I reach that cavern by the volcano, if you manage to catch me, I’ll release your friend!”

Unikitty: A-And if we f-f-fail?

T-Rex: “Then you shall either join her or never see her again! Let’s begin!” *starts running*

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Unikitty: *scream* Momma, watch out!

Lachlan: *moves the T-Rex head down to Twilight’s level and makes it speak* “You five want your friend back?”

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Rainbow Dash: Uh-oh!

T-Rex: *CHOMP!*

Unikitty: NOO!!

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Unikitty: I got dis! *one lick* ACK!! *becomes sick* UGH, YUCK!! Tastes like spiders and other yucky bugs!

Tails: Like I said, Chrysalis made that prism, so licking that thing would be like eating grubs!

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Unikitty: I'm a monster! An adorable cat MONSTER!

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