Q56726447, Militão Augusto de Azevedo, Militão Augusto de Azevedo collection https://t.co/g6lRSux8WW (Palette: 🖌🎨

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A Priest, Q59643926, IMS Prints and Drawings Collection https://t.co/xtVPRcWiL7 (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Child Playing on Wooden Horse and Beauty with Umbrella, Suzuki Harunobu, https://t.co/ArGS2YZ2Sq (Palette: 🖌🎨

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Politicians - Vanity Fair. 'East Sussex'. Mr. Montagu David Scott. 10 June 1882, Leslie Ward, https://t.co/b4OqvLPSNe (Palette: 🖌🎨

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A Summer House with Full-length Lattice Windows, Humphry Repton, https://t.co/4xipGIAvSx (Palette: 🖌🎨

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The ablest Professor in the Cabinet of the Tact by which Power is Kept: It is his Mission to Counteract the Talk by Which it is Won and Lost, Earl Granville, from Vanity Fair, Politicians, Carlo Pellegrini https://t.co/qd3o5aKHqp 🖌🎨

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The Lonely Tower (La Tour isolee), Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, https://t.co/frN8C4mnHY (Palette: 🖌🎨

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