70 Days Later ... and still no word from Dev Team to discuss our 1 listing per hour account/api restriction issues in ticket first raised on May 21😩

Please help!

1 8

Sei Babi. Se'i adalah hidangan daging asap yang berasal dari Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Dalam bahasa Rote, se'i artinya daging yang disayat dalam ukuran kecil memanjang, lalu diasapi dengan bara api hingga matang.

0 0

68 Days Later ... and still no word from Dev Team to discuss account/api restriction issues in ticket first raised on May 21😩

C'mon guys, please help get it sorted!

5 11

Short comic spoilers from Majalah Komik Boboiboy!
A long time ago, Api & Air fought bcs of hot & cold drinks. Now, they both are having the same situation as Blaze & Ais but are tenser bcs it's not only involving them or their friends but tribes. The question is, who will win? 🤔

27 126

Remo3で連携開始したmornin’ plusには非対応のようです。

0 3

"cinta itu seperti api. berkobar kencang pada awalnya, namun akan terus meredup seiring berjalannya waktu jika kita tidak menjaganya."
- Gala, Coffe Talk by

3 22

❃❃••••𝐁𝐡𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐭𝐚 17.10••••❃❃

yāta-yāmaṁ gata-rasaṁ
pūti paryuṣitaṁ ca yat
ucchiṣṭam api cāmedhyaṁ
bhojanaṁ tāmasa-priyam

यातयामं गतरसं पूति पर्युषितं च यत् ।
उच्छिष्टमपि चामेध्यं भोजनं तामसप्रियम् ॥

Food prepared more than three hours

4 20

Some discord internship broke the slash command API, until it's fixed again dainsleif will stay offline...

24 853

api betday childe ❄️💧

185 968

idk why its bugging like this
(I think its something wrong with twitter api)

0 0

❌🤖 Se presenta un problema en la API de HabboTemplarios responsable de la obtención de información de usuarios en Habbo.
De momento, las siguientes funcionalidades web presentan problemas:
⭕ Verificación de placas.
⭕ Registro de nuevos usuarios.
⭕ Recuperación de contraseña.

14 17

SADX Mod Loader has a new feature: Individual Texture Replacement! Place texture packs in a replacetex folder containing only the textures you want to edit, and the rest will be pulled from prior mods/the vanilla PVM! There is also a new API for mods to use. Pic by

48 256

*festival kampusnya ngadain acara kembang api*
jin bunhong: sekarang ukt kalian lagi meledak...

im crying shes so😭😭

0 0


iTunes Search API :

85 848

// BBBGLXS2 Spoilers

Api/Blaze enjoying massages: some very important images

48 281

Eren sebelum negara api menyerang🤺🤺🤺

7 16

Selamat Iduladha 1443 Hijriah bagi yang merayakan! Alangkah baiknya menyambut lebaran dengan kebahagiaan dibanding berkurban perasaan dan bakar-bakar api kecemburuan. 🙏

21 85

ティティティ~~~フイフイ~~強欲api ~~明日ですゥ~~☝️(ウザイ)

1 9