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Cartum super especial para o da Editora Globo.

São Paulo registrou a menor temperatura dos últimos 5 anos !!

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É uma Corrida das Vacinas.

A ideia era trazer leveza pro quadro representando as cidade com o velho e bom humor do cartum.

Segue o Fio 🧵

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I made this when i was deep in my feels during postpartum recovery. I just kept repeating to myself that just like my body was strong enough to make a human it was also strong enough to heal from it. I’m happy to say it was true but i share this for anyo…

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Não vou muito longe do estilo cartum mangalesco, mas ele tem 4 estágios de simplificação: relativamente próxima da anatomia humana, chibi (ou chibiesco), chibi geométrico e boneco palito de roupinha.

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This. Question. Is. Hard.
If I HAD to pick... and even then I cant.
It'd be a harsh tie between 's oc; Artumeda, and another friend of mine's oc; Zeno Izukia.

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Minha charge sobre as chuvas em Alagoas - publicada ontem na Gazeta de Alagoas.

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Esse cartum me lembrou das minhas férias, que nunca acontecem, eheheh

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