Lemme just slap you with more sad sketches xoxoxo anyways piers is still forever my number 1 man

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He's so yummy, I love Piers 💕 (#pierspokemon

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Piers and Co.! 🤍💖🧡❤️🖤

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i finally finished this piece. Not that proud of but it’s fine ig. 🫶🏻

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Including this one I made for last year but haven't shared it publically yet.

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Piers Day is also the first day of Pride month... Coincidence? I think not!

Have a bunch of Piers I've drawn over the past year!

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It’s Pride Month and Piers Day! 💖🤍🖤

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its been a while since i've drawn piers so here he is :)

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frankensteined that one post to fit them because they are the gay people ever

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Doing an Art exchange with my friend and so I had to draw her two favorites 🥴🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️

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Got into an funky Pokémon brainrot, so Here’s some Piers fanart!

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