Prints and stickers at

2 10

‘Dont dress too formal for the Holiday party..’

0 2

Ça n’a pas tellement changé en un an.

56 210

the omicron wave about to destroy the single thread holding my mental health together and i have so much shit on my plate HELP

0 8

Re-posting these handwashing cartoons I made at the start of the pandemic. With the Omicron holidays upon us, folks might appreciate having them to download/print/share.

60 142

まだ PDB ファイルが手に入らないが Fig. で見る限り結合位置および主鎖の配置は概ね wild type (右: 7DF4.PDB) と変わっていなそうに見える。Omicron で新規に塩橋が形成されたとされるところについては、Q493R, G496S, Q498R とチャージが変化した側鎖なのでさもありなんと言ったところか。

4 9

so the first death from of course they follow with had pre existing conditions on the news . Like it’s our fault for dying oh don’t be afraid healthy humanoids ! he was flawed so he died . As an person every time I hear this I feel devalued

1 5



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Santa this year. Today's cartoon by . Check out our collection for more Christmas cartoons:

13 21

Selene and Heli as babies!

MATERIALS: Micron 01 pen, ArrtX Markers, White Gellyroll Pen, ArrtX Marker Paper

4 22

Seems perfect to share during the holidays and omicron: Keeping your family safe for Hantz.

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Bonjour à tous...rouge sur les marchés entre Omicron et le plan de Biden qui est refusé...Et le Xmas rallys dans tout ça ???

7 79

Biden says unvaccinated face a winter of "severe illness and death."

4 15

Someone please tell Rona to chill 💀🦠🦠🦠

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Nicola Jennings on the mounting pressure on - political cartoon gallery in London

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