Along for the ride is Rana! This sweet, optimistic tinkerer has a strange way of talking to machines, and some big secrets that might be looming just under her cheery expression.

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drew my friend as a trading card. SSR stands for Super Super Rana!
(yes i put too much effort into my throwaway jokes how can you tell)

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泣いちゃいな! feat.Rana

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This sparked a new ref to be made for Rana! 👀☺️

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ship of the hour: stardust x rana

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ship of the hour: rana x xin hua

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Nella belletta i giunchi hanno l’odore
delle persiche mézze e delle rose
passe,del miele guasto e della morte.
Or tutta la palude è come un fiore
lutulento che il sol d’agosto cuoce.
Ammutisce la rana,se m’appresso.
Le bolle d’aria salgono in silenzio.


🖌Van Gogh

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Shout out to the only example of a semi-stupid Rana face I can find in my archives and also my favorite side characters, Joe and Dahlia (2018, 2017)

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ship of the hour: kagamine len x rana

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Ellos con sus peluchitos de rana<33

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Todays pastel character of the day is Rana from Vocaloid! (she/her)

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Aliada... ou uma irmã?

poucos se lembram, mas muitos escriptas cresceram juntos no orfanato e fora dele. Um deles é rana, a dos leques. E após saber da sua morte, gal ficou visivelmente abalado, provavelmente por causa da sua relação de longa data com ela.

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